上海追债公司:Polite Debt Collection Conversation in English


A:上海要账公司 Hi, John. I hope you're doing well. I hate to bring this up, but I wanted to talk to you about the money you owe me.

B:上海讨债公司 Oh, hi there. Yes, I know I still owe you some money. I'm really sorry about that. I've just been a bit tight on cash lately.

A:上海讨账公司 I understand that things can be tough sometimes. But it's been a while since you borrowed the money from me, and I was hoping you could start making some payments soon.

B: Of course, I completely understand. I've been trying to save up some money to pay you back, but it's been a slow process.

A: I appreciate your honesty, John. Maybe we can work out a payment plan that works for both of us. How much are you able to pay me each month?

B: I think I can manage to pay you $50 a month until I've paid off the full amount.

A: That sounds reasonable to me. Let's start with that and see how it goes. And if you ever come into some extra cash, feel free to pay more towards the debt.

B: Thank you so much for being understanding, A. I really appreciate it. I promise to stick to the payment plan and pay you back as soon as possible.

A: No problem at all, John. I know you're a trustworthy person and I believe you'll keep your word. Just make sure to communicate with me if anything changes with your financial situation.

B: Absolutely, A. I'll keep you updated on my progress and let you know if there are any changes. Thanks again for being so understanding and patient with me.

A: You're welcome, John. We all go through tough times, and it's important to support each other during those times. Just remember that communication is key in situations like this.

B: Definitely, A. I'll make sure to keep the lines of communication open and stay on top of my payments. Thanks for being so understanding and kind about this whole situation.

A: It's no problem at all, John. We're all human and we all make mistakes sometimes. The important thing is that we learn from them and work towards making things right. Let's move forward positively and focus on resolving this debt together.

B: Agreed, A. Let's work together to resolve this debt in a respectful and responsible manner. Thank you for your understanding and support throughout this process.

A: You're welcome, John. Let's stay in touch and keep each other updated on our progress. Together, we can overcome this challenge and come out stronger on the other side.

B: Absolutely, A. Let's stay connected and work towards resolving this debt in a positive and productive way. Thank you for your understanding and patience throughout this process.

In this dialogue, A approaches the topic of debt repayment in a gentle and understanding manner, allowing B to feel comfortable discussing their financial situation and proposing a payment plan that works for both parties. By maintaining open communication and showing empathy towards B's circumstances, A fosters a positive and cooperative atmosphere for resolving the debt issue effectively. Through mutual respect and cooperation, A and B are able to work together towards a solution that benefits both parties and strengthens their relationship in the long run.

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